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The following academies are now open:

Childminding Academy

Are you interested in becoming a registered childminder or approved home child carer?

Ards and North Down Labour Market Partnership is offering fully funded places on this employability academy, to support you through the childminding registration/approval process.

Successful applicants will receive a package of training, support, and resources to assist in becoming registered childminders or approved home child carers.

Eligibility criteria applies:

  • Resident of Ards and North Down Borough
  • Over the age of 18
  • Unemployed or under-employed (working 16 hours per week or less)
  • Committed and able to fully participate in all aspects of the Academy
  • Have the right to work in the UK

For more information, please contact 07837734825

Contact NICMA

Childminding Academy

Security Employment Academy

Full SIA Training. SIA Licence includes:-

  1. Manned Guarding
  2. Key Holding 
  3. First Aid Training

To apply contact:

Workforce Training Services 028 9074 7676

Transport Academy 24-25 – now fully recruited

This training focuses on employment need within the Transport Sector and is funding at least 30 HGV drivers in category C (also known as Class 2) or upskilling those who already hold a Category C licence to a Category C&E (also known as Class 1) to be fully trained to the standard whereby they are ready to apply for commercial jobs within the industry by 30th June 2025.

Additionally we are providing within this Academy:

a) training for 4 candidates to obtain a PSV/Coach Driving Training

b) training for 10 candidates to obtain a standard car driving licence. 

The Transport Academy provides an opportunity to secure an interview for each candidate upon successful completion of the training with a target of 29 participants across all training programmes to obtain employment as a result of the training.

Coming Soon: Work Ready Programme

Work Ready is a programme for participants to develop the following skills:

  • Confidence building
  • Soft skills
  • Relevant work/life skills to move closer to the labour market

(such as “returners” and those who have been out of the workplace due to ill health.

This Programme is viewed as an introductory programme, and a feeder into more targeted and employment-specific supports e.g. Academies.

If you would like to be considered for this Academy or any of our other Upcoming Academies, or be informed about upcoming events, please follow the link below to provide your details.

Labour Market Partnership - Register your interest for upcoming Academies

Academy for People with Disabilities – now fully recruited

Ards and North Down Labour Market Partnership acknowledge that many people within our Borough face challenges which might be a barrier to seeking employment.

This Job Focused Academy was created for the recruitment and upskilling of 30 people with disabilities residing in the Ards and North Down Borough Council area, through specific support provided by a suitably qualified team.  The aim was to encourage unemployed or underemployed people with disabilities to obtain skills and qualifications for better employment opportunities.

This Academy has provided a flexible and responsive delivery intervention which is reflective of current market conditions, changing labour market dynamics, and will align to deliver maximum impact for Ards and North Down (AND) and the wider economy.

The Delivery Agent is working closely with local employers to achieve best employability outcomes and sustainability of employment. This Academy has provided meaningful engagements in the creation of job opportunities that are innovative in approach to address skills shortages through adaptation to make jobs more accessible to those with a disability or health issue.  Special features of this ongoing Project are the focus on ensuring a high percentage of participants gain a qualification, increasing participant confidence in employment options and the achievement of lasting employment.

Participants are being trained in Customer Services, Hospitality and Employability skills and targeted employers will be from businesses within AND Borough.

Coming Soon: Childcare Employability Academy (Working with Children)

The Ards and North Down Labour Market Partnership has identified a twofold need within the Borough for childcare provision and appropriately trained childcarers. As a result, AND LMP are offering 15 fully funded places on a Childcare Employability Academy during which the Delivery Agent will support participants through the registration/approval process through to application and interview stage, and employability outcomes.

Eligibility criteria applies for this Academy and applicants must:

  • Have a verifiable address within the Ards and North Down Borough Council boundary.
  • Be over the age of 18
  • Be unemployed or under-employed (working under 16 hours a week) but actively seeking employment
  • Be seeking to develop a career in the childcare sector and show a willingness to participate in the academy
  • Meet all entry requirements of the training course/qualification, including the right to work in the UK.

In return, this course will offer:

  • A chance to improve employability
  • Guaranteed interviews with local childcare employers
  • An introduction to the sector and an insight into expectations of the job roles available
  • Access to a range of personal development and training including interview skills, effective communication and teamwork
  • One to one mentoring support for the duration of the programme.

If you would like to be considered for this Academy or any of our other Upcoming Academies, or be informed about upcoming events, please follow the link below to provide your details.

Labour Market Partnership - Register your interest for upcoming Academies

Coming Soon: Administration Academy

In-demand labour market areas across public, private, and third sectors have been identified, which include entry level administration and business services skills.

The Administration Academy may include part-time and/or flexible working options.

This Academy will support participants in gaining the following basic digital and admin skills:

  • Use of Microsoft Office suite of products
  • Production of business documents
  • Development of employability skills

If you would like to be considered for this Academy or any of our other Upcoming Academies, or be informed about upcoming events, please follow the link below to provide your details.

Labour Market Partnership - Register your interest for upcoming Academies