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Business Address
Based in Ards and North Down Borough Council area?
(Max 500 Words)
Will the Training Initiative provide a qualification?

The aim of this programme is to upskill employees.  Therefore the training must where possible provide a qualification.

Please include the number of staff and job titles

(Max 500 Words)

Have you received funding previously from the LMP Industry Related Training Bursary Scheme or Employer Led Upskilling Programme?
Please quantify and provide information on how this will be achieved
Please quantify and provide information on how this will be achieved
Is your business VAT registered?

Two comparable 'like for like' quotes must be provided for any combined training below a total of £2000.  If a local provider cannot be sourced please provide quotes from companies outside of the borough. Emails from training providers and screenshots from relevant training providers' websites are acceptable and should be provided when submitting your application.  Failure to provide the required number of quotes will result in the application being rejected.
Evidence of all quotes should be sent to when submitting your application. Please include business name in the subject of the email.

Re-order Quote 1 - Provider 1 Quote 2 - Provider 2 Weight Operations
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*If you are VAT registered, the Employer Led Upskilling Programme funding should be applied for against the Net cost.  You do not need to complete the VAT and gross cost column.  If you are not VAT registered, you should complete all columns and you may apply for funding against the gross cost.
**  Grant awarded will be based on cheapest quote

Re-order Item Preferred Supplier** Net Cost (£) VAT Amount (£) Gross Cost (£) Weight Operations
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Re-order Total Net Cost (£) Total VAT Amount (£) Total Gross Cost (£) Weight Operations

IMPORTANT NOTICE – You have a right to know how your personal information will be used when you engage with the Labour Market Partnership Employer Led Upskilling Programme. It is important that you carefully read the following before you sign this form.  By signing you are acknowledging that you understand how your personal information will be used.

The Data Protection Act 2018 (“The Act”) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) give legal rights to individuals (Data Subjects) in respect of how their personal data is processed by a Data Controller, Ards and North Down Borough Council/Labour Market Partnership, as well as establishing the Data Protection Principles. The legislation also defines categories of “Special Category Personal Data” and the conditions for processing it.

Ards and North Down Borough Council/Labour Market Partnership will use your information:
1.        To deliver the Employer Led Upskilling Programme
2.        To monitor the effectiveness of the Employer Led Upskilling Programme
3.        To monitor Equality of Opportunity.
4.        For audit, compliance and regulatory reporting purposes where there may be disclosure of your information to auditors and, if required, to governmental and non-governmental regulators.
5.        And/or in such other circumstances where there is an obligation to do so, or as the law permits.

The legal basis on which AND/LMP will process your personal information is defined under article 6(1)(b) of the UK GDPR, to deliver this service to you as part of a contract to which you are a party.
You may withdraw your participation in this programme at any time by contacting the LMP Team by  E: however, AND/LMP may retain your personal information to fulfil its regulatory and audit responsibilities.  Information held on the programme will be retained by the Council for a minimum of 10 years and will be reviewed for destruction in line with the legal requirements of the Funders.

Promotion of Business
In addition to the above, third party organisations such as business organisations may request to use your information via the data controller for purposes which may be deemed by the data controller to be beneficial for the development of your business. AND will share your personal data information provided in the application in this circumstance, with your consent only under article 6(1)(a) (or 9(2)(a), in the case of special category data) of the UK GDPR.

You may withdraw your consent for this activity at any time by contacting The Data Protection Officer, Ards and North Down Borough Council,  T: 0300 013 3333) E: Please note, the processing of your information for this marketing activity is a distinct processing activity from the processing of your personal information as a participant in the Industry-related Training Bursary Small Grant Scheme. 
Do you give your consent to the Council to share your personal data information provided in the application in circumstances which may be beneficial to the development of your business?

You have a number of rights relating to your personal information, including a right to see and review the information held on you. Further information on these rights may be found in the AND Privacy Notice: If you wish to request your personal information or have a data protection query, please put your request in writing, stating clearly who you are and your query to: Data Protection Officer, Ards and North Down Borough Council, City Hall, The Castle, Bangor, BT20 4BT, Email:, tel: 0300 013 3333.

Your information will only be used and disclosed as stated in this Notice
We confirm our agreement to the statements herein contained.
Re-order Signed by the client Date Weight Operations