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Health and Safety at Work

Health and Safety at Work is primarily concerned with the prevention of injury and disease to people at work and those who visit the workplace.

Employers, self-employed persons and employees have legal responsibilities. These responsibilities also apply to manufacturers of equipment and those who fit/maintain it.

In Northern Ireland, Environmental Health Officers are responsible for enforcing the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978. They also enforce other Subsidiary Regulations in Council enforced premises.

The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) and Local Councils share the enforcement responsibility for a range of different premises throughout Northern Ireland.

Health and Safety (Enforcing Authority) Regulations 1998 A-Z guide allocation


The Local Council is responsible for enforcing health and safety at workplaces including:

  • offices (except government offices)
  • shops
  • hotels
  • restaurants
  • leisure premises
  • nurseries and playgroups
  • pubs and clubs
  • museums (privately owned)
  • places of worship
  • residential care homes

Environmental Health Officers deal with three key areas- advice, training and enforcement. Staff will visit businesses, discuss any area of concern and provide guidance and information to help them comply with the law. 


In terms of enforcement, Environmental Health Officers will routinely visit business premises to check standards and assess the approach to managing health and safety. Complaints and accidents will be investigated and where necessary formal action will be taken i.e. Improvement Notice and Prohibition Notices will be issued or in certain cases offenders will be prosecuted.


Complaints relating to dangerous working practices or unsatisfactory conditions at work are also investigated. Enquiries by employers, employees and members of the public regarding workplace health and safety will be investigated by the health and safety team.

Detailed guidance on various aspects of Health and Safety can be found in our main Health and Safety at work section

Contact Environmental Health

The Health and Safety at work team are available to help and advise you. Contact the team on 0300 013 3333 or by email.